Nasa ParaWing

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profiles comparison
You will find on the net a lot of  Nasa ParaWings with different profiles.
This page is devotes to help you to do your own choice !
I don't know the quality of such or such profile. 
The only one that I know very well is mine and I know that it flies really well !

I will begin by mine !

You already know this profile as it was described on the bridling page...
its characteristics :

  • brakes A11, A12, B5 and B6
  • rounded nose
  • wing profile shape
  • smooth profile
Here is the famous e-NPW profile

It's the profile proposed by Peter de Jong and his software Nasacalc.
Its cgaracteristics :

  • brakes A11, A12, B5 et B6
  • nose "up"
  • not really smooth shape on the bottom of main body
Always  Nasacalc profile with same bridles lengths as above

P de Jong says that the same profile works as well for 4 lines flight than for dual lines flight

Here is the profile for dual lines flight :  look at the deformation induced by brakes removal

Here is the original Nasa ParaWing modele 5 from NASA

Its characteristics :

  • rounded nose
  • no brakes (dual lines)
  • not really smooth profile
  • shape very closed at the wing tip
Here the profile provided by Michel Trouillet on the site "les ailes du délire"

It's characteristics

  • brakes A11, A12, B5 and B6 
  • rounded nose
  • almost smooth profile
  • open shape on B6 and close one on A12