Nasa ParaWing

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Designed in the early sixties by Francis Rogallo, it is a NASA's prototype earth re entry of Geminy rockets.
Since that date, this wing has been improved to become nowadays a "best of" in the traction kites series.
Really cheap, it is furthermore extremely simple to build !
profile computation

- download NPW9b.exe
- download NPW5.exe

- use the upper right menu to navigate ...
- in flight movies
- how to buid it
- NPW links

and even

-  your NPW5 VRML rendered 

: you will need to install either
Blaxxun Contact or Cosmoplayer VRML plugin on your browser
and of course download the NPW.exe

- download NPW5.exe

and it works also for NPW9b

- download NPW9b.exe

NEW : a revolutionary way to almost suppress the nose collapsing problem of the NasaParaWing. 
a fantastic Fredrik's idea
NEW : Yet another revolutionary profile from Fredrik Lejonklou : The Teega is born.
Thanks to him to offering me to host his Teega page

Teega logo